In memory of Pharoah Sanders (1940-2022)
- Pharoah Sanders – Astral Traveling
- Pharoah Sanders – Upper Egypt & Lower Egypt
- Pharoah Sanders – Memories Of J.W. Coltrane
- Pharoah Sanders – Aum/Venus/Capricorn Rising
- Pharoah Sanders – Colors
[LIVE]: Elektro Grizzly Show with grizzly
In memory of Pharoah Sanders (1940-2022)
No pre-determined theme, just put together random songs from my library.
Download/listen to the audio recording from the aNONradio archives (mp3/86.2MB)
Download/listen to the audio recording from the aNONradio archives (mp3/86.5MB)
In which I step outside my usual track and talk about Computers and “AI” for a bit. This is, if anything, a propos of the misguided efforts to tame inflation by depressing wages, when labour productivity has grown much more rapidly than wages since the 1970s, with the result that direct labour costs are a less proportion of the cost of providing goods and services than they ever have been. Also something about a video game and what it implies for our efforts towards space settlement. Maybe next week we’ll have a Double Asteroid Redirect Test or SLS launch to talk about.
Do you remember? The 21st night of September.
Theme: Mashups using Earth, Wind & Fire’s September
Download/listen to the audio recording from the aNONradio archives (mp3/86.5MB)
In this episode, we listened to really cool Kraftwerk track remixes and covers!