A Princess of Mars

Edgar Rice Burroughs
(as Norman or Normal Bean)

It’s hard to say anything about Burroughs’ classic yarn, the foundation of the “planetary adventure” genre, that hasn’t been said before, elsewhere, and better.  But think!  It was the first story he ever sold, and if he had never written any more, would probably still be remembered as a landmark.

This was the first book I read & recorded for this project, and the original recording is quite rough. When I decided to read the two immediate sequels, The Gods of Mars and The Warlord of Mars (all three novels were bound together by the University of Nebraska Press in an attractive omnibus edition entitled Under the Moons of Mars, the title under which “Princess” was serialized in All-Story Magazine), I chose to read all three books in order, and make my re-recording of A Princess of Mars a Patreon exclusive.


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Tales From SYL Ranch

Tales From SYL Ranch streams on aNONradio every Sunday from 20:00 – 22:00 UTC.

(For those of you in North America, that’s 2pm – 4pm Central time. If you’re not in Central time, I leave the math to you.)

Tales From SYL Ranch shares the same name as my phlog.  Yes, in 2017, I actively phlog. If you want to know why, read my phlog; or wait until I read it on the show some day.

If you’re cool, use Gopher to hit my phlog.  If you need a Web interface, I crudely front-end it at:  http://wrstone.motd.org.

The show will be … “eclectic.”

Music will be heavy on film scores (John Williams is The Man), but will include “Weird Al” Yankovic, the occasional Shania Twain, and others.

I may spend two hours playing nothing but Doctor Who theme mixes. You’d be amazed how many there are.

I’m also a libertarian IT wonk. I’ve got some things to say about libertarianism, IT, and where they intersect.

Mostly (much like the late, lamented, Al-TV) I’ll be playing music that I want to listen to.

The show is not currently call-in. I’m dipping my toe into this water via a cunning script developed by an SDF user. As I get more comfortable with the tech, I’ll go live and invite callers.

aNONradio is hosted by my beloved SDF.org. I’ve had an account with SDF for nigh on to twenty yahren. If you’re not a member, sign up, it’s free.

If you’re an IT wonk and don’t know the command-line and shared systems, sign up right away. You can’t do all that cool “Mr. Robot” stuff if you don’t know the command line.

Go to http://sdf.org and follow the instructions.

This week’s line-up is currently shaping up to be:

  • The first ten minutes of the audio from The Star Wars Holiday Special.
    It’s nothing but Wookie noises and cheap 70s synth.

    I’m only using it as the header, so you’ll be unlikely to hear it. If there’s some interest, I’ll play the entire ten minutes’ mess.  Heck, I’ll play the entire 90 minutes. I’m not proud.

  • Johnny Fever Takes Over
  • “Star Wars Main Title” (Complete)
  • Me yapping.
  • “Princess Leia’s Theme” (Album)
  • “Jerry Springer” (“Weird Al” Yankovic)
  • Me ranting about something or another.
  • ?
  • “John Williams Is the Man” (Valhalla High School Concert Choir)
  • Something silly for the footer. I haven’t decided what. Maybe South Park’s version of “The Aristocrats,” since it won’t be heard anyway.