Sounds of Synergy – 2023/11/15

Listen in the archives


  • Morrigan – Renumera
  • Venetian Snares – Második Galamb
  • t+pazolite – To Luv Me I *** For U. (Uno Remix)
  • BLKSMIITH – void
  • Mandidextrous & C3B – Work It Out
  • GRiZ – Too Young for Tragedy
  • Kill The Noise – Kill The Noise (Part I)
  • P*Light – Kill The Acid
  • G Jones, Eprom, Koreless – Shellshock (Edit)
  • goreshit – While Ill
  • WholePunch – Moon X Earth
  • Burial – Near Dark

ASFO 2023–11–11

Armistice Day, Remembrance Day, the feast of Saint Martin of Tours ― whatever you call it, this is a day to demand of the members of the United Nations, and especially the Permanent Members of the Security Council, that they honour their solemn obligation, freely entered into, to seek and keep peace in this world. Unfortunately, I spent my time slot driving back from the stamp show (where I bought a bunch of postage), instead of doing a broadcast, so I had to do it later. For your delectation, I have a new film transfer.

Title card from a film, badly faded to pink. Text is "The Magic of the Atom".
Title card for the Handel Films “Magic of the Atom” series

Intergalactic Wasabi Mix – Ep 1021 – 2023/11/09


Sounds of Synergy – 2023/11/08

Listen in the archives


  • Anderex – KNOWN U
  • Betwixt & Between – Invoker
  • That Andy Guy – Riff n’ a Rift
  • kiari – mélange
  • Starlit – Love With Nothing
  • Autechre – Corc
  • Frums – Vigor Lines Yoked
  • Venetian Snares – Kyokushin
  • Anderex & Deezl – ERA 404
  • Akira Complex – rift.exe (Camellia’s ‘De-compiling’ Remix)
  • LabRat – Break The Cage (SugarBeats Remix)
  • SugarBeats – Mile High (AMB Remix)

“My Zeppelins”

Im Zeppelin über Länder und Meere (1949), an autobiographical account of the development of intercontinental airship flight by Hugo Eckener, long–time head of the Zeppelin organization, was abridged and translated into English by Douglas Robinson, published 1958. I found to my sorrow that the local library’s copy, which I had checked out many times, had been discarded ― but I managed to buy it, in order to read it to you. As usual, there is a great deal of my chatter intermingled with the actual material.

  • 2023–11–07 Introduction, and first part of Chapter I, “The Flight of the ZR III (sic) Los Angeles
  • 2023–11–21 Remainder of Chapter I, and commencement of Chapter II, “The First Flights of the Graf Zeppelin
  • 2023–12–05 Continuation of Chapter II
  • 2023–12–12 Conclusion of Chapter II, all of Chapter III, “A Sentimental Journey to Egypt”, and the very beginning of Chapter IV, “The Flight Around the World”
  • 2023–12–19 Continuation of Chapter IV
  • 2024–01–05 Conclusion of Chapter IV, and beginning of Chapter V, “The South American Service, 1930―37”
  • 2024–01–09 Conclusion of Chapter V
    Links to a British Pathé Newsreel series showing a trip to South America aboard the Graf Zeppelin : “Flying Down to Rio” Part 1 (not to be confused with the musical film of the same title) ― Part 2Part 3Part 4
  • 2023–01–12 Commencement of Chapter VI, “The Arctic Flight of 1931”, with commentary about, inter alia, Fritjof Nansen’s humanitarian efforts, and Eckener’s undeserved censure on Nobile, and a promise to read the latter’s book My Polar Flights
  • 2024–01–16 Conclusion of Chapter VI ; beginning of Chapter VII, “The Victory of the Zeppelin Concept, 1931―37”
  • 2024–01–19 Conclusion of Chapter VII ; beginning of Chapter VIII, “The Hindenburg” (plus some chatter about the Japanese SLIM lunar landing mission)
  • 2024–01–23 Conclusion of Chapter VIII, and almost all of Chapter IX, “Helium Troubles and a Gloomy Ending”
  • 2024–01–26 After a few minutes of dead air (owing to my failure to un–mute the mic), the conclusion of Chapter IX, and with it the main text ; and the first part of the Appendix, “A Note on the Technology and Development of the Zeppelin Airship”, by Dr–Ing Knut Eckener, son of the author
  • 2024–02–02 Not quite the whole of the remainder of the Appendix
  • 2024–02–06 A short show, just the conclusion of the Appendix, with a promise to start My Polar Flights by Umberto Nobile with a show of its own

ASFO 2023–11–04

My bold new proposal to solve the American housing crisis! Also, treating the deficiencies of medical practice with Ozempic? a consideration of the true meaning of “Atoms for Peace”, cheering news from Sweden, talk about decarbonization versus the reality of on–going oil rushes and the sublime certainties of climate campaigners, demolished wind installations and the tertium quid, words of wisdom from 1955 Britain, and Loscon.

Intergalactic Wasabi Mix – Ep 1020 – 2023/11/03


Intergalactic Wasabi Mix – Ep 1019 – 2023/11/02
