Half Hour of Power playlist EP01, 2018/02/21

Thanks so much to everybody who listened in to my first show!  I already can’t wait for next week.  Here is tonight’s playlist (formatted as Artist – Track):

  1. Tao  – Warryorz (from YM Rockers album “Warryorz”)
  2. Factor 6 – Back in Time (from AY Riders album “8 Bits if Enuff” )
  3. Response – NymphoManiac Mansion
  4. Ben Daglish – The Last Ninja (Wastelands level)
  5. Jester – Stardust Memories
  6. cTrix – Light n0va
  7. Bomb Boy – Ignition, Set, GO!
  8. Mister Beep – Love Quest (from album “A thousand furious bees”)

Thanks again, keep it lo-fi!

aNONradio Welcomes New DJ — solderpunk!

Please make sure you show your support to our new aNONradio DJ — solderpunk — by tuning in to his show “Half Hour of Power” debuting later today (Wednesday) from 18:00-18:30 UTC!

Short description of solderpunk’s show:


Old school computer music with Solderpunk! Beepy boopy stuff from AYs, POKEYs, SIDs and similar programmable sound generators, unstoppable funk from Yamaha FM synth chips, and low-fi samples from Atari and Amiga trackers. Tune in if you love arpeggios and crunchy shift registers, tune out if you love polyphony!


If you miss the show you can always listen to the audio from the aNONradio archives! Listening live is of course preferred! 🙂

Here’s how to tune in –> http://anonradio.net/listen

Thank you solderpunk!

Half Hour of Power

SID chip

The Half Hour of Power is a (wait for it) half hour long weekly aNONradio show by solderpunk, playing “chiptunes” or old school computer music.   Beepy boopy stuff from AYs, POKEYs, SIDs and similar programmable sound generators, unstoppable funk
from Yamaha FM synth chips, low-fi samples from Atari and Amiga MOD trackers, and anything in between.  Tune in Wednesdays at 1800 UTC!