A Princess of Mars

Edgar Rice Burroughs
(as Norman or Normal Bean)

It’s hard to say anything about Burroughs’ classic yarn, the foundation of the “planetary adventure” genre, that hasn’t been said before, elsewhere, and better.  But think!  It was the first story he ever sold, and if he had never written any more, would probably still be remembered as a landmark.

This was the first book I read & recorded for this project, and the original recording is quite rough. When I decided to read the two immediate sequels, The Gods of Mars and The Warlord of Mars (all three novels were bound together by the University of Nebraska Press in an attractive omnibus edition entitled Under the Moons of Mars, the title under which “Princess” was serialized in All-Story Magazine), I chose to read all three books in order, and make my re-recording of A Princess of Mars a Patreon exclusive.


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