Join us for an exciting Vintage COMP! w/ Al Alcorn talking about hard components in the coin op arcade machines, the ATARI 2600 VCS and the rare COSMOS and of course, did Steve Jobs really make BREAKOUT all by himself?
hey whats up its dj-zep with you wanting you to know that my show is back in full swing every week on Weds at 20:00 UTC for an exhilirating 3hrs of aNONradio!
i am sorry my show has been off air as i was having connection issues and broadcast software issues that are now fixed.
in the meantime when my show wasnt on the air i have been working on my blog, juggalobook and thinking about trying to gather a list of all the stuff i have put out *which im working on*
k so now on null`s favorite show i recieved mail in form of tty not messages to join ‘pcom’ which is party com on super dimension fortress.
the show didnt get archived last week. pretty sure it was because i tried loading a 1.75 GB mp3 in the deck and caused too much silence.
next week we are looking for more hiphop and some variety like usual.
see u next weds 20:00 UTC on =]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]