Intergalactic Wasabi Mix – Ep 870 – 2022-02-27


Intergalactic Wasabi Mix – Ep 869 – 2022-02-26


Stokesauce (Sunshine Sessions)

In my last show, I mention a group of cosmopolitan artists living in Noosa, and how Bakani and I were invited to be part of their first garden party sunshine session.

Sunshine Sessions Vol 1. (Julian and Bakani)

For those who enjoy the Stoke Sauce Radio Show, here are the results of a completely unrehearsed acoustic session that I spoke about in the show. I thought they did a great job with editing and production.

I have also been invited to perform with my band on the 29th of March at a much larger event in Noosa Junction.

Of particular interest is the fact that guests are strongly encouraged to leave their phones at the door at these events and be grounded in the event and to connect with the people at the event

Intergalactic Wasabi Mix – Ep 868 – 2022-02-20


Your Daily Show Line Up In Glorious GUI!! (UPDATED 2022/02/20)

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(If you have a show on aNONradio and would like to update your poster here, please send me your image file at snowdusk AT . Please make the image square in shape if possible.)

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Intergalactic Wasabi Mix – Ep 867 – 2022-02-19


ASFO 2022–02–19

After skipping a week because I was unfortunately busy about other things, I start off by discussing a beautiful photo calendar commemorating the Gundremmingen nuclear power station, created not by the plant owners, but by the local parish priest! This leads into more of my interminable bitter ranting about the German energy policy, and an attempt at analysis of an € 85 000 PV+hydrogen “home total energy solution” which is now being offered on the market. But also I try to explore a little why some of the arguments people give about energy are fallacious.

3 Supplementary Shows

Intergalactic Wasabi Mix – Ep 866 – 2022-02-13
