News to Me June 8th, 2021

News for your Tuesday. These are all the links I had ready to talk about, but you know I rarely ever get through half of them. Hope you enjoyed the show!


gektek Radio – June 8 clever stinger

Techno? Heck no! Ain’t nobody listen to that! …oh wait, ya, it IS techno…

Another day another show…thanks for tuning in! Lot’s going on so keeping this post nice and short. Hope everyone is having a great day out there!

oh, and today’s ToobNix vid is a bit longer than usual. A few bonus tracks thrown in at the end 😉

Join me every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday here on aNONradio at 1300 UTC

hmm…still doesn’t seem to want to display the ToobNix vids properly. If anybody has tips to make that work t’would be quite fun. Here is the link in the mean time –