Бronzie Бeat (N)
That which streams The Revolution. Lover of wavy sounds, crusty computationals and pixels in 4D
Anonymous, 32 May 2069
The Resistance (V)
An hour of delectable sonic comestibles curated for your listening pleasure. Connect and encounter an eclectic mix, meandering through 80s anthems, 90s EDM, contemporary electronica and the odd crunchy surprise. Themed sets and auditory adventures will ensue, as will startling juxtapositions. Join Bronzie and the damgüdcyberchatter family on SDF com and IRC to shoot the breeze as Bronzie streams the party atmosphere. Resistance is futile.
Come make the sound of the resistance AT 8PM EDT/5PM PDT FRIDAYS // 0000 UTC /10AM AEST SATURDAYS//
Бронзы Бить, 10 июнь 2020
Meandering (Adv)
Find me in SDF com and IRC, or get me at >> bronzie94 (splat) sdf.org <<
If you are on SDF VOIP, you can find me at x2069 (I’m in UTC +10)