No Show 3/24/17

Sorry there was no show on 3/24/17. My trusty 2 month old laptop had a problem with the USB port, and since it was under warranty still I went ahead and let the manufacturer handle the repairs. It might take a while though, although it was set by UPS Air over night and arrived on the 24th. MSI won’t open it for 3 business days, and the estimate for laptops is 10-25 days, I’m hoping for 10 or less. You know how companies give way out there estimates so it looks like they actually did it in less time? That’s what I am hoping is true this time, but there’s no guarantee I’ll be able to stream on the 31st either. If that is the case I will send a notice to the aNONradio list again and also post something here.

Thanks for listening, I’ll be back ASAP.

Author: TheGiant

Hey, I'm TheGiant, join me Fridays at 23:00 UTC for a mix of funny nerdy and weird tunes, and maybe occasionally I'll goof off on mic too.