ASFO 2023–10–28

I live! And I am once again contemplating the distribution of printed matter, in the form of a “zine” which I am calling blast. So most of this episode is a description of past activities in this field and what I hope to achieve this time, a solicitation for contributions of material to print and financial support, and an excerpt of something I am writing and will hopefully finish.

ASFO 2023–10–21

Pythagorean central–fire astronomy? Truly, this show brings you things you won’t get anywhere else! Also, Mail Call ― the storytelling mode of eldritch horror and how it influences perceptions of atomic power ― a consideration of practical morality, that the onus of action falls most heavily on him who has the most power to act ― falling short of the glory of God ― and Pure Science, in the story of the world’s only depleted–uranium mine.

“Nuclear Power Status 2020” poster from the International Atomic Energy Agency. Blue background with five gear-wheel-like graphs of different sizes.
The presentation of information here is intriguing, but we wonder just how effective it is.
“Nuclear Power Status 2021” poster from IAEA Power Reactor Information System. Light blue background with various tables and graphs. In the center, an artist’s impression of a generic nuclear power station.
It’s hard to know what Tufte would think of these posters.

ASFO 2023–10–14

Intractable problems are often the result of clashes between value systems, or of different rankings of values in the same system. Often, the first necessity for addressing them is acknowledging the nature of the problem ― which those who are certain they are in the right are often especially reluctant to do. Insoluble problems, on the other hand, may not be intractable, in the sense that it may be possible to ameliorate or work around them. In the human world, however, nothing can be done without goodwill, which is very much subject to being eroded by the effects of insoluble and intractable problems.

ASFO 2023–10–07

Nuclear energy and space news, mostly. I may spend some more time talking about the implications of nuclear power in Bangladesh and countries like it, and the way the Western countries have effectively left the field to Russia. Also, the implications of the launch of the first satellites for the Amazon LEO comsat constellation, and the implications of launch orders placed with ULA ; an alternative suggestion for the Eagle’s Nest mine project discussed last week ; and a brief consideration of the problems of constitutional government.

Supplementary Show

2023–10–10 A little pamphlet about the Douglas Point nuclear power station, for which the term CANDU was coined, and more of the 1975―76 AECL Annual Report. Perhaps I should have found something topical about the Chinese national holiday.

ASFO 2023–09–30

Mail Call! Much of the rest of the show, alas is political incompentence and stupidity ― thin soup, you may say. There seems little reason, though, that they should be so ubiquitous if, somewhere along the line, we the common people had not decided to accept them. As I have said time and again, policies which cannot be implemented will not be. Also, the resources required by the environmentally–benign renewable–energy–and–battery future, and their relation to cocaine and alcohol.

A letter, three Bhutanese postage stamps with a lenticular effect showing art of the Apollo landings, a Soviet 4-kopeck postage stamp celebrating cosmonautics with an attached caption, an axolotl sticker shaped like a human brain, and a Soviet electronic pocket calculator in a sheat.
Contents of a parcel from SDFer lcd

Supplementary Show

2023–10–03 From ATOM 142 (1968 August), How DFR Was Repaired, a very interesting description of work on the primary circuit of a sodium–cooled fast–neutron breeder reactor, which had not initially been thought feasible. And then some material from the 1975–76 Annual Report of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Truncated early by a telephone call from a medical office.