ASFO 2025–03–29

Support your local library! No solar eclipse for me — such a travesty. Family emergency, an earlier return to the USA than planned, and anxiety about when I may be able to leave again ; effects of weather on my outreach efforts ; reflections on the limits of “ephemeralization” ; a discussion of the rise of the anti–nuclear movement, and some text I am going to have to use again.

Industrial democracy depends upon industrial prosperity. No amount of workers’ skill or capital equipment can produce that prosperity unless there is fuel for the furnaces and motive power for the machines. This is true, irrespective of the political arrangements within a country, or the economic structures of production, distribution, and consumption within an industry.

Indeed, “industry” in the modern sense can hardly be better defined than as the application of inanimate energy to the operations involved in meeting the needs of human life. It is exactly the resulting vast multiplication of the effectiveness of labour which makes possible the abolition of social class boundaries and child labour, the equality of the sexes, universal education, and all the other elements of social and economic democracy, without which political democracy means little. Any people who would enjoy these blessings, which are widely regarded as the birthright of the modern world, must therefore first make provision for adequate supplies of energy.

Good stuff, huh?

ASFO 2025–03–22

Can the lack of classical education be blamed for the failure of democracy, in the Soviet Union or elsewhere? Probably not, but it’s a nice thought all the same. Also, more Dental Drama™ ; a coda to last week’s show ; local outreach; and I offer a new approach to nuclear energy for the new German government, with a new slogan : “Pro–Nuclear is Pro–Europe”.

WHEREAS, conforming to the basic law of the European Union as embodied in the Treaty of 25 March 1957 establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, the German Federal Republic shares in the common responsibility of maintaining the economic and political security and stability of Europe by making the maximum effective use of nuclear energy in industry, a responsibility bearing equally upon the States and the Federal Union, to be discharged in the international context of economic and foreign relations, as well as through the common European institutions, and within Germany through the activity of government at all levels ;
THEREFORE the Bundestag recognizes that all legislation or policies of the Bund or the Länder of contrary purpose are ab initio of none effect, in particular, any prohibition on the operation of existing nuclear fission power stations, or the construction and operation of new stations, in conformity with internationally–adopted safety standards and appropriate planning procedures ;
AND FURTHERMORE, the better to discharge the aforesaid responsibilities, the Bundes Ministerium shall without delay offer all spent nuclear reactor fuel now held within Germany, except where subject to special international agreements providing the contrary, to the Euratom Supply Agency for reprocessing and ultimate re–use.

That will put the cat amongst the chickens!

ASFO 2025–03–15

Beware the Ides of March! I’m not yet back to doing a full show yet, but please accept these few minutes of commentary about geopolitics, the latest semi–successful lunar landing mission, my dental well–being, and the potential of “generative AI” to provide an always–on, personalized cult leader for anybody who is even remotely, momentarily susceptible. Exciting times we live in, to be sure!

Supplementary Show

2025–03–18 “Quite clearly, Man is coming into a completely new ecological relationship to his Earth, and quite clearly, we are accelerating into an entirely new relationship of Man to Universe. In speaking to you I have to take that statement as my fundamental premise, not just as an interesting aside. The problems of our moment are as unprecedented as they are vast. The solutions will have to be unprecedented and vast.” Picking up again with Utopia or Oblivion by Fuller, we finish “Geosocial Revolution” and begin “How to Maintain Man as a Success in Universe”.