ASFO 2025–02–01

Starting very late, about 15 minutes in as a matter of fact. I share some sensitive personal information about my family and friends, which is always a mistake, and lay out my expectations for the coming month, explaining why I may not be available to do shows regularly.

ASFO 2025–01–25

The present world situation, it is clear, is unsatisfactory — although hopeful signs are there to be seen for those who will but look. But why are those who have it all the most unsatisfied? Also, mixed news from Canada, stupid news from Chile, and even stupider, colossally stupid, news from Britain ; new additions to our archive of scanned nuclear–energy public–information materials ; and if you’re going to be in the Dallas area 14—16 February, come up and see us at FenCon.

Supplementary Show

2025–01–28 “With these interlinkages of the lever and channeled energy, Man is now in the wealth–making business, which is to use his brain to get nature’s vast energy patterns to do the energy work of supporting and regenerating him.” More from Geosocial Revolution in Utopia or Oblivion.

ASFO 2025–01–18

Has the capitalist owner–class, like its mediaeval equivalent (albeit with far less tangible reason), embraced the delusion that it represents a higher order of life than the working class? Will the USA, as a result, see a wave of CEO shootings in the coming year? Are our measures of historical time obsolete in the face of increased human life expectancy? Also, a little bit of astronomy, a little bit of space travel, and Mail Call! Two postcards from Canada this week, and a letter from Australia.

Supplementary Show

2025–01–21 “The fundamental and prior problem of Man’s surviving successfully on this little sun–orbiting spaceship, ‘Earth’, cannot be solved by political theory and is not to be left to the politician’s ultimate lever — war — hot, subversive, cold, or cool.” More of Geosocial Revolution from Utopia or Oblivion by R Buckminster Fuller.

ASFO 2025–01–11

The metaphenomenon of recurrent phenomena occupies a considerable part of my attention this week. Also, a recommendation for a book, The Flying Sorcerers by Gerrold and Niven ; a consideration of the Car Culture in America ; and a warning to be aware of the ape brain that lies between the lizard brain and the higher faculties of consciousness.

Supplementary Shows

  • 2025–01–14 “There is now a very large inventory of ways in which Man has been teaching, thinking, and accounting events and values which have no experimentally–demonstrated validity.” The remainder of Summary Address at Vision 65 just rounds out the hour (hey, it had to happen sometime), and provides the title for the book, Utopia or Oblivion.
  • 2024–01–17 “For every problem solved a plurality of new problems arise to take their place. But the problems need not be those of physical and economic survival.” More from Fuller, a short piece titled The World Game — How to Make the World Work, describing a very interesting computer simulation effort, and the beginning of a longer piece entitled Geosocial Revolution.