ASFO 2021–12–04

A letter from the President of the United States! No, not a notice from the Draft Board.

Supplementary Shows

  • 2021–12–03 Opening Addresses to the Fourth Geneva Conference by Glenn Seaborg (Conference President), Sigvard Eklund, and II Rabi. Thanks to a bit of blather from me at the beginning, I don’t get quite to the end of the Rabi piece, & will have to finish it another time.
  • 2021–12–07 Conclusion of the address by Rabi, and messages from President Nixon (USA) and Minister Kosygin (USSR) ; from the same volume, “Resources of Primary Energy” by H Mandel ; and discussion of papers presented under Agenda Item 1·2, “Survey of World Energy Demand and Resources up to the Year 2000”. I had some telephone trouble on this one.

Author: publius

Fools! I will destroy you all!!