“Have a great day!”
”Happy New Year”
“Have a great day!”
[LIVE]: Mix Remix with hairylarry
Key phrases for our final show of the year include “influencer–management companies”, “ten thousand Ronald Reagans”, and “the last full measure of devotion”. Also, the news from Finland should seriously call into question some of the more popular energy strategies, and the Chaos Computer Club is raising money for some folks who really need and deserve it.
“Have a great day!”
”She Bangs the Drums” mid show temp dropout but hang in there
“Have a great day!”
Canadian retaliation? It’s more likely (and more effective) than you think! Also, a description of some potential future “Man and Atom” merchandise (or supporter premiums) I am working on ; Skylab helmets making a comeback ; and more of my thoughts on some of the many things people mean when they refer to “the gold standard”.
Pressure vessels occupy a great deal of my attention today, but gosh darn it! They’re important. Also postage stamps. Lots and lots of postage stamps. Give me an excuse to use them, won’t you? And a couple of comments about politics and current affairs, which I can’t totally ignore.
2024–12–17 The tail end of The Music of the New Life, and beginning of Prevailing Conditions in the Arts, from Utopia or Oblivion (1969) by R Buckminster Fuller.
The last third of this broadcast is a jeremiad against the schooling system in the United States, including a recommendation of a book with which I do not necessarily wholly agree, but which I find usefully thought–provoking : How to Survive in Your Native Land, James Herndon, 1971. We get there by way of some updates on my activities, reflections on democracy in various countries, and a consideration of the “precautionary principle”. (More discussion of the gold standard will have to wait.)