In celebration of the beginning of Series 10, It’s the day of the Doctor on Tales From SYL Ranch — though probably not the one you expected.
Tales From SYL Ranch can be heard Sundays 20:00-22:00 UTC on // aNONradio.net //
We’ll be playing a selection of Murray Gold’s excellent scores from the modern Doctor Who series. However, it will not be an ordinary orchestra performing it — but rather the Doctor Who Fan Orchestra.
Doctor Who Fan Orchestra is a collaborative project by musicians all over the world. They’re sent sheet music for their particular part and record it alone. They never hear the finished work until it’s edited together.
If you want to join the Orchestra, visit https://doctorwhofanorchestra.blogspot.com/ and simply wait for their next call for musicians. They need all kinds, including vocals. If you’re a good musician, go to the site and sign up!
Tales From SYL Ranch can be heard Sundays 20:00-22:00 UTC on // aNONradio.net //
Today’s tracks are:
- When Twilight Falls On NGC 891
- Doctor Who (Original Theme)
- DWFO – About the Doctor Who Fan Orchestra
- DWFO -Tuning-
- DWFO -1- -I Am The Doctor-
- DWFO -2- -Vale Decem-
- DWFO -3- -Doomsday-
- DWFO -4- -Dalek Suite-
- DWFO -5- -The Impossible Astronaut (Suite)-
- DWFO -6- -A Christmas Carol (Suite)-
- Doctor Who – Creating the Theme Radiophonic Workshop
- DWFO -8- -50th Anniversary Suite-
- Doctor Who Theme At the Proms 2010 (With Scream)
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 1: Primary Phase – Fit the Fifth (S01E01)
- HardWire – The New Empire Howell Theme
Tales From SYL Ranch can be heard Sundays 20:00-22:00 UTC on // aNONradio.net //