It’s a serious trip to the groove-yard of forgotten favorites.
In the 1970s, Power Records produced a series of Star Trek audio dramas for children. The stories were released in several different combinations and sometimes included a comic book of the story.
In all, there were eleven episodes. They’re not great, but not horrible. Most were written by Alan Dean Foster. He has numerous novels to his credit. In the 1970s, he novelized the Star Trek animated series in greatly-expanded form. Most recently Foster wrote the Abrams film novelizations.
You have to overlook a few things. The first is the fact that none of the original cast were involved. Most of the actors at least try to sound like the original cast.
You also have to overlook that none of the sound effects nor music are from the original series. Sometimes it’s rather jarring.
These aren’t all the audio drama that Power Records produced. I’ve had to cut a couple for time and will play them in the future.
Sunday’s tracks, in order, are:
- Passage to Moauve
- In Vino Veritas
- The Crier in Emptiness
- The Time Stealer
- To Starve a Fleaver
- The Logistics Of Stampede
- A Mirror For Futility
- A Milo Yiannopoulos ZAP rant (I’m going to lose libertarian friends over this one)
I have also nicknamed the primary TTS voices on the show “Mike” and “Michelle.” Heinlein fans know why.