New Show+DJ on aNONradio — DJ Hairy Larry!

Let us all give a warm welcome to our new DJ, Hairy Larry (SDF member ‘hairylarry’), and his show “Something Blue”! This show will feature blues, jazz and other American roots music as played by musicians all over the world. There is a focus on live music and the show also includes production music recorded for “Something Blue” in Northeast Arkansas.

“Something Blue” with Hairy Larry livestreams every Friday, 20:00-21:00 UTC (4-5PM EDT/1-2PM PDT/9-10PM BST/10-11PM CEST).

“Something Blue” will debut on this coming Friday, May 25th so please show your support by tuning in!

“Mystery Package Show” on tob’s Dubious Goals Committee – Thurs (Mar 29) & Sat (Mar 31)!!

Please tune in this Thursday (March 29th) and Saturday (March 31st) at 19:30 UTC for a special edition of tob’s Dubious Goals Committee — “The Mystery Package Show – Parts 1 & 2” where tob will be opening packages containing unknown stuff he received from his brother.

The Dubious Goals Committee with tob livestreams everyday from 19:30 to 20:00 UTC.

aNONradio Welcomes New DJ — solderpunk!

Please make sure you show your support to our new aNONradio DJ — solderpunk — by tuning in to his show “Half Hour of Power” debuting later today (Wednesday) from 18:00-18:30 UTC!

Short description of solderpunk’s show:


Old school computer music with Solderpunk! Beepy boopy stuff from AYs, POKEYs, SIDs and similar programmable sound generators, unstoppable funk from Yamaha FM synth chips, and low-fi samples from Atari and Amiga trackers. Tune in if you love arpeggios and crunchy shift registers, tune out if you love polyphony!


If you miss the show you can always listen to the audio from the aNONradio archives! Listening live is of course preferred! 🙂

Here’s how to tune in –>

Thank you solderpunk!

tob’s DGC Best of 2017!

(entry below was taken from tob’s post on ‘bboard’)

Below is a list of the Top 10 percent best Dubious Goals Committee shows of 2017. Don’t check the math. But do peruse the list and listen to these gems from the archive. Shows are archived by date, so pick a show and go to to listen!

Note: No best shows in January, but there’s a whole week of good stuff between June 30 and July 5. Enjoy!

2017-02-25 Blenheim Castle
2017-03-08 Chasing an owl around OPPD
2017-03-25 Off-road R/C racing
2017-04-01 Building a ROCKET BOAT
2017-04-15 Building a mechanical CW keyer
2017-04-22 Building an AM transmitter
2017-05-06 Marmot whistles caught on tape
2017-05-20 My latest simple game engine
2017-05-27 Mysterious device testing
2017-06-21 A tornado warning
2017-06-24 Building a pneumatic launcher
2017-06-30 thru 2017-07-05 Firing cannons, blowing stuff up
2017-08-06 Odd signage
2017-08-26 Graham crackers
2017-09-20 How to cheat at dice with door pops
2017-10-20 The Asphalt Paving Day show
2017-10-22 A close marmot encounter
2017-10-24 Dazzle camouflage in women’s fashion
2017-10-29 Muskrats
2017-11-04 Making my BBQ sauce
2017-11-08 Unboxing some thrift store finds
2017-12-19 Things that drive me nuts about Christmas (rants)
2017-12-23 Hanging out with reindeer

2 New Shows on!

aNONradio welcomes 2 new shows!

“Top 10 Hits From The Archive” with DJ Marcus a.k.a. member ‘mnw’ —
livestreams every Sunday 00:00-01:00 UTC — A countdown show of top
music streamed, downloaded, or liked from the free music archive.


“SDFARC Echolink Net on Node 9424 (AB9FJ)” with the SDFARC (SDF Amateur
Radio Club) — livestreams every Monday 00:00-01:00 UTC — For more
information about the SDF Amateur Radio Club, please visit their site

“Top 10 Hits From The Archive” debuted earlier today. If you missed the
show, please listen to it from the aNONradio archives on and take a look at the playlist on

You too can become an DJ! Please visit for more information.

Thank you all for your support! welcomes new DJ – DJ Tisho!

DJ Tisho’s show “DJ-Tisho ON-AIR” will livestream every Sunday, 20:00-22:00 UTC!

Here’s a short intro from DJ Tisho:

“Web Developer, Designer, and DJ from Bulgaria

Working like a DJ from 1995 in many night clubs.
Founder and producer of 2 Bulgarian radio shows in the past in private
radio station “Bravo” in Varna – Disco Mix Club radio show and Netmania.
DJ in Internet radio shows after 2000. Remixer of popular
Russian girl band t.A.T.u. and has received recognition for that from
t.A.T.u. fans.”

… and this is DJ Tisho’s blog page on the site:

If everything goes well, “DJ-Tisho ON-AIR” will livestream tomorrow for
the first time on! Let us all show our support and warmest
welCOM for our new DJ by tuning in to his first livestream tomorrow!

Please remember — you can always say HI to our DJs during their live shows
in the ‘anonradio’ room on ‘com’ and #anonradio on IRC (!

DJ Tisho is user ’tisho’ on SDF.

Good luck and most of all, have fun DJing on, DJ Tisho! 😀

DGC Thanksgiving Special!

This Thursday, aka Thanksgiving, Dubious Goals Committee will transmit its annual Thanksgiving Special!  Tune in at 1930 UTC for all your Thanksgiving Special needs!

Dubious Goals Committee 1930 UTC or go to and click on play. There will be turkey stuff.

Looking for new shows and DJs Sat/Sun UTC!

(taken from smj’s announcement on bboard – July 15th)

The large gap in the schedule is on Saturdays 0630 to 1930 UTC and Sundays 0630 to 1600 UTC. Looking for new shows, new DJs to add some shows into this part of the schedule. If you one of the folks that has not put together a show, this is a great chance for you to become part of aNONradio. Hello and Welcome!

aNONradio welCOMes 2 new DJs: DJ Julius & DJ Kennedy!

Better late than never!!

“Shut Up You Freak” with DJ Julius –> Sundays 17:00-19:00 UTC –> Hose off your Saturday night grime with DJ Julius.  A madhouse mosaic of musical memories.  Purification through free association.

“The Good Show: Musi Pona” with DJ Kennedy –> Fridays 01:00-02:00 UTC –>  with jan Natan and guests — Talk, call-in, music, culture, toki pona and variety. 0100-0200 Saturday Zulu Time.

Let’s support our new DJs by tuning in to their shows! 🙂