(an email sent out by smj on the aNONradio mailing list)
Subject: [anonradio-l] 35 hour marathon beginning June 15th!
Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2022 12:34:30 -0700
From: smj
To: anonradio-l
You are invited to participate in a 35 hour marathon beginning June 15th at 1400 hours through June 16th 2300. This is to celebrate SDF’s 35th birthday (which is also iczer’s birthday!) If you already have a show during this time you can choose to participate with special content if you’d like, though it is not required. The free slots are listed below. For now, let’s claim one hour slot at a time.
There are 2 main ways to participate: live stream during your claimed free slot or prepare a file to be served via podcaster. If you would like a favorite archive repeated during a claimed slot, that is also a good choice.
As we get closer to the event and more folks claim slots, a temporary schedule for the marathon will be posted on the aNONradio mainpage.
Happy 35 years of SDF.
Hi everyone! It’s snowdusk. I have volunteered to maintain the list of free slots smj mentioned in the email above. To view an up-to-date version of the list, click here.
An SDF 35 Year Anniversary Photo Collage!!:
Click here for larger version (1.8MB)