ASFO 2024–12–07

The last third of this broadcast is a jeremiad against the schooling system in the United States, including a recommendation of a book with which I do not necessarily wholly agree, but which I find usefully thought–provoking : How to Survive in Your Native Land, James Herndon, 1971. We get there by way of some updates on my activities, reflections on democracy in various countries, and a consideration of the “precautionary principle”. (More discussion of the gold standard will have to wait.)

Supplementary Shows

  • 2024–12–10 “We can say that world society through overspecialization has reached the brink of extinction.” More of The Music of the New Life from Utopia or Oblivion : the Prospects for Humanity by R Buckminster Fuller.
  • 2024–12–13 “What we mean by understanding is : apprehending and comprehending all the interrelationships of experiences.” Yet more of The Music of the New Life from Utopia or Oblivion : the Prospects for Humanity by R Buckminster Fuller.