Download/listen to the audio recording from the aNONradio archives (mp3/86.4MB)
In this episode:
- snowdusk mentioned how much fun he had talking to smj and jasmaz (and froggyme, briefly) on the Vintage Comp Talk – Extended – Special OpenVoIP session the night before. snowdusk used his new thrift shop acquisition – a vintage Telemax telephone from the ’80s (for 4 bucks!) – to call in, and he was very happy with this phone.
- snowdusk reminded everyone to never forget about their robot children, if they had any.
- snowdusk praised DJ froggyMe’s awesome performance on his live show the night before — a live impromptu music production with froggyMe singing and freestyle rapping!
- snowdusk startled his cat Momo from his sleep when he tried singing along with Dschinghis Khan’s “Istanbul”. The “hooh hah hooh hah” startled the poor cat.
- snowdusk’s cat Momo had his butt on snowdusk’s right CDJ’s jogdial on 2 occasions during the live show. Momo had been sleeping on top of snowdusk’s turntable (not being used during the show) plastic cover right next to his CDJ in the entire live show.
- Doctor’s Cat – Feel The Drive
- Sun La Shan – Catch
- Adriano Canziano – Turkish Testosterone
- It & My Computer – Praying Mantis
- El Deux – Computer Mädchen
- Little Computer People – Eyes (Short Edit)
- ‘Lectric Workers – Robot Is Systematic (Vocal Version)
- Digital Emotion – Go Go Yellow Screen
- Ural 13 Diktators – World Domination
- Patrick Cowley & Jorge Socarras – Robot Children
- Mandroid – Silicon Chipped
- Cosmic Force – Ghetto Down
- Dschinghis Khan – Istanbul
- Bangkok Impact – Junge Dame mit Freundliche Telefonstimme