Half Hour of Power playlist EP14, 2018/05/23

Continuing the “artist of the week” theme, tonight’s show was dedicated to the music of Czech chiptune artist Factor 6, a member of the excellent AY Riders and YM Digital  bands who also does solo work under the alternative name Akio Tenshi.  Like Yerz, Factor 6 is a talented “multi-instrumentalist”, and this show features AY and SID tunes, Amiga MODs and a 1-bit track.

  1. Akio Tenshi – Distant Space Signals
  2. Factor 6 – AdraSTea Orbit (from YM Digital Album Spontaneous Compression)
  3. Factor 6 – Thirty-One (from 1-bit Wizards album The Journey Begins)
  4. Factor 6 – External Turnouts
  5. Factor 6 – Funky Symptom
  6. Akio Tenshi – On da Moov
  7. Akio Tenshi – Lost Friend
  8. Akio Tenshi – Summer Memories