Nyle Steiner playing his redesign of the EVI – The NuEVI
EVI / EWI inventor Nyle Steiner talks about the Microcon, The Master’s Touch, working with Crumar and building the first Electronic Wind Instruments (EWI) and what led up to AKAI taking them to production.
Inventor and synthesizer pioneer Nyle Steiner talks about his early electronics and musical background which led him to later invent the Electronic Valve Instrument (EVI) and Electronic Wind Instrument (EWI). While Nyle built many of the EVIs and EWIs himself along with a short production run by Crumar, it is Akai (now Akai Professional) that has mass produced the instruments beginning in 1987. In fact, in Japan the EWI is much more well known as an Akai product which is still being made today while Nyle Steiner remains a bit obscure.
For more information about Nyle Steiner, the EVI and EWI, as well as all things wind controller related, check out Matt Traum’s Patchman Music website at https://patchmanmusic.com
Join us for an exciting Vintage COMP! w/ Al Alcorn talking about hard components in the coin op arcade machines, the ATARI 2600 VCS and the rare COSMOS and of course, did Steve Jobs really make BREAKOUT all by himself?
Join us with a friendly conversation with Jason Scott of the INTERNET ARCHIVE as well as the film maker of Get Lamp and the BBS Documentary. This is part one of a two part interview.
John Bowen worked for MOOG Music product clinician demoing music equipment for the major of the 1970s. He later went to work with Dave Smith helping with the early Sequential Circuits products to do limited programming and sequencing for the MiniMOOG as well as suggestions that influenced the design of the PROPHET-5.