2 New Shows on aNONradio.net!

We are very excited to announce 2 new shows on aNONradio.net!:

“Choose Your Own Adventure” with tomasino
Fridays 01:00-02:00 UTC
The format is mostly me (tomasino) reading choose-your-own-adventure books and getting community feedback on what choices to make, with occasional snarky commentary. I can stretch it to reading more traditional adventure stories on occasion too.

— AND —

“LOW WIRE” with cat
Saturdays 21:00-22:00 UTC
Aural eclecticism. Any genre, any mood, any theme.

Let us all show our support to our fellow SDF members tomasino and cat by tuning in to their weekly aNONradio shows! Don’t forget to hangout in the ‘anonradio’ room on ‘com’ or ‘anonradio’ channel on IRC (irc.sdf.org) during their live shows!

You can add the aNONradio calendar to your iOS/Mac OS X calendars or any iCalendar/webcal-compatible calendars through the link provided on the aNONradio.net homepage. Not an Apple Inc. fan? No problem! There is a link on the homepage on how to configure an iCalendar/webcal subscription to MS Outlook, Mozilla Lightning and Google Calendar.

Thank you tomasino and cat! We hope that you both enjoy doing your aNONradio shows! Good luck to both of you!