Join jasmaz and smj in talking about Vintage Computers on SDF OpenVoIP Thursdays at 0200 UTC. Discussions cover any Vintage Computer topic including retrocomputing and MIDI/nonMIDI synthesizers. Occasionally there are special guests that are interviewed.
- Interview: Nyle Steiner.3 / 29-Oct-2020
- Interview: Nyle Steiner.2 / 22-Oct-2020
- Interview: Nyle Steiner.1 / 14-Oct-2020
- Interview: John Bowen.2 23-Sep-2020
- Interview: Al Alcorn.2 17-Sep-2020
- Interview: Al Alcorn.1 / 10-Sep-2020
- Interview: Stewart Cheifet.2 / 03-Sep-2020
- Interview: Stewart Cheifet.1 / 27-Aug-2020
- Interview: Jason Scott / 20-Aug-2020
- Interview: John Bowen.1 / 13-Aug-2020
- Interview: Tamiko Thiel / 06-Aug-2020
- Interview: Robert Bernardo / 30-Jul-2020
- Discussion: TED Talk / 23-Jul-2020
- WelCOM: Vintage Computers / 17-Jul-2020